Best 10 Beginners Meditation Techniques for Depression: How to Start & Why It Works

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and does not replace professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized treatment options.
Understanding Depression and Meditation
Definition of Depression:
While there is no single cause of depression, a mental health condition wherein one experiences prolonged periods of low mood, it is most commonly associated with stressful life events.
Stressful life events, whether immediate or in the past, or chronic or acute, are often seen to precipitate depression. Depression impacts not just one’s mood, but also one’s daily functioning. It may lead to emotional, relational and behavioural changes like increased irritability, loss of pleasure in activities, changes in appetite and social withdrawal.
It is estimated that one in 20 individuals in India are depressed, while worldwide, depression is ranked as the second largest contributor to disability. At the same time, there is a severe shortage of mental health professionals, with only 0.7 MHPS for every 100,000 individuals in India!
Introduction to Meditation:
Whether or not one works with a mental health professional, there are many things one can do on their own to manage depression. One of these is meditation to reduce depression. In simple words, meditation is the practice of one-pointed focus. There are various forms of meditation.
Some of these are breathwork-focused meditation, mindfulness meditation, mantra meditation, and visualization meditation. There are also movement-based meditations, like the fixed sequence of Ashtanga yoga practice. Essentially, anything that requires full attention and focus can be considered meditation.
How Can Meditation Help with Depression?
Think of meditation as a practice that enhances our cognitive and emotional abilities. In depression, many of our cognitive and emotional faculties may not be working optimally. We may be emotionally reactive or may not be able to think clearly.
As discussed, unmanaged stress is also a factor in depression. This is where meditation helps - regular and long-term practice of meditation can help us manage stress more effectively and become more emotionally regulated. Studies show that a meditation practice may reduce inflammation and alter brain structures that are involved in depression.
But, can meditation cure depression? Not really. While meditation is sometimes touted as a cure-all for depression, it is important to keep in mind that this is not the case. Meditation may help us deal with depression more effectively, but it doesn’t cure depression.
That’s because depression is often a biopsychosocial occurrence, and it’s equally important to look at the psychological and social factors that may be contributing to or maintaining the depression. Furthermore, those who are moderately to severely depressed may find it difficult to build or maintain a meditation practice, especially if they have no prior experience.
Getting Started with Meditation for Depression
Getting started with meditation for stress and depression is not always easy. It may feel boring or too daunting, or one may be unable to start because of unrealistic goals like sitting in meditation for 30 minutes straight. Even some of the advanced meditation practitioners don’t do that!
To get started with a meditation practice, here are a few things to keep in mind:
A. Choosing the Right Meditation Technique:
Meditation is more than sitting in silence for an extended period. You may choose to meditate on your breath or practice a mantra or visualisation. You may even want to start your meditation practice with a movement-based meditation like yoga or dance. The best beginner's meditation technique is that which one sticks to. Remember that there is no “superior” way to meditation, and think of what practice feels inviting and relatable.
B. Setting Up a Meditation Space:
Having a dedicated space for your meditation practice will help you focus and orient yourself to it. The good thing is that you don’t need a lot of space for it! If a different room or corner is not available to you, you can have a meditation object like a pillow you sit on only when you meditate, or an outfit you wear only when you meditate. A dedicated space or object works as a behaviour activator - over time, the dedicated space or object will become associated with the meditation practice.
C. Establishing a Routine:
Just like a dedicated space or object helps develop the habit, so does having a routine. When trying to think of routine, keep sustainability in mind. What is realistic for you? Meditating twice a week? For ten minutes each day? What time of the day is most conducive? Think of your current routine and try to find a way of seamlessly fitting meditation into it rather than disrupting your existing routine.
D. Potential Risks or Side Effects:
Depending on the type of meditation you practice, it may bring up some uncomfortable sensations, feelings or thoughts. As you focus inward, you may begin to notice tightness, pain or pressure in the body.
You may feel agitated or emotionally numb or may experience some uncomfortable flashback memories. These are side effects of meditation that may occur in some cases. For this reason, it’s important to practice with a seasoned meditation teacher or therapist, at least in the beginning. They can help you make sense of any uncomfortable experiences that may arise during meditation.
Best 10 Beginners Meditation Techniques for Depression in 2024
1.Guided Meditation
While seasoned practitioners can meditate without any guidance, for a beginner, it’s advisable to begin with guided meditation. You can practice any type of meditation with guidance.
Overview of Guided Meditation:
Guided meditation simply means that you are using a narrator or instructor to take you through it. Someone, either live or through a recording, in person on virtually, is offering instructions and guidance for the practice.
How to Practice Guided Meditation:
While it’s always best to practice under the guidance of a trained meditation teacher or therapist, there are several resources available online for free. A simple search for ‘guided meditation for depression’ on YouTube will give you plenty of options. You can vary the length and experiment with shorter and longer videos. If the plethora of content on YouTube is overwhelming or confusing for you, you may try an App like Calm or Headspace.
Benefits of Guided Meditation:
Guided meditation is beneficial for beginners because it offers a roadmap. Someone who’s not practiced meditation before may feel clueless, not know where to start or may easily get distracted or bored. Guided meditation makes it easier to stick to the practice. Practicie with a teacher has the added benefit of being able to discuss your concerns and tailor the meditation to suit your needs and ability.
2.Breath-Focused Techniques
Breath-focused meditation techniques are among the easiest and most accessible beginner’s meditation techniques. Simply begin focusing on your breath, without trying to change or control your breathing in any way. Ten focused, mindful breaths can help you feel grounded and calmer.
As you progress in your practice, you may experiment with deep breathing or different breathing techniques like the following:
1. 5-5-5-5 breathing or box breathing: Inhale for 5 counts, hold for 5 counts, exhale for 5 counts and hold for 5 counts
2. 4-7-8 breathing: Inhale for 4 counts, hold for 7 and exhale slowly for 8 counts
3. Anulom-Vilom or alternate nostril breathing: Anulom-vilom is a yogic breathing practice which improves focus and problem-solving, and has shown positive results for management of depression.
3.Mindfulness Meditation
Overview of Mindfulness Meditation:
Technically, all meditation practices are also mindfulness practices, and all mindfulness practices are also meditative. But, many of us live our lives in a disconnected or distracted way, and in depression, this disconnection from the present moment is heightened.
Mindfulness meditation practices are those which bring you to the present moment. You can do this by doing any activity mindfully - that is, with full attention.
How to Practice Mindfulness Meditation:
There are many different ways to practice mindfulness meditation. Although you can carve out time to practice mindfulness in a seated position, the beauty of the practice is that you can do anything mindfully!
Let me explain with an example - these days, many of us are often multitasking. We may be talking on the phone while cooking dinner, or listening to music while replying to an email. Practicing mindfulness here would mean to do just one activity with your full attention.
If you’d like a more structured way of practicing mindfulness, you can carve out time to focus on your breathing. Here, try to maintain normal breathing and simply notice the inhalatations and exhalations at their natural pace.
Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation:
Mindfulness practice helps build self-awareness and self-control, improves concentration and clarity and is a great tool to develop emotional regulation.
4.Transcendental Meditation
Overview of Transcendental Meditation:
Transcendental meditation involves repetition of a mantra for 15-20 minutes. While mantra chanting is often associated with religious rituals, you can choose any mantra or phrase you like. The technique is founded on the focused repetition rather than the actual words or phrase you repeat.
How to Practice Transcendental Meditation:
Find a quiet, comfortable spot to sit in. Close your eyes and silently repeat a mantra of your choice. A mantra can be a word, a sound or a phrase. The purpose of having a mantra is to focus all your attention on it for a brief period.
Benefits of Transcendental Meditation:
Although not directly related to positive outcomes for depression, transcendental meditation has some benefits for one’s overall mental health. Regular practice increases learning ability, problem solving, productivity, and mental clarity.
5. Body-Focused Techniques
As the name suggests, body focused meditation techniques are those which shift our focus and attention to the body. Two most popular body focused techniques are discussed below:
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Overview of Muscle Relaxation:
In progressive muscle relaxation, one intentionally tightens and relaxes the muscles. By training the muscles to relax, one also trains the mind to relax.
How to Practice Muscle Relaxation:
- Start by lying down in a comfortable position, and close your eyes
- Take a few mindful breaths
- On your next inhalation, tighten your entire body from head to toe, including your facial muscles, toes, fingers
- As you exhale, slowly relax the body
- Repeat 5-8 times
Benefits of Muscle Relaxation:
Like many meditation techniques, while progressive muscle relaxation doesn’t have direct benefits for depression, it improves one’s overall well-being by helping in stress management. PMR is also a great technique to fall asleep, which is a challenge for many individuals with depression.
6.Body Scan Meditation
Overview of Body Scan Meditation:
In body scan meditation, one takes the time to mindfully scan one’s body from head to toe, simply noticing what’s there. This can help one feel more aware and connected to the body and notice any pain or discomfort that might be there.
How to Practice Body Scan Meditation:
You may do a body scan lying down or sitting, as long as you’re in a comfortable position and place. Start at the top of your head, and slowly and mindfully, move your awareness down your body, noticing different parts - your face, shoulders, chest, arms, and so on. The idea is to simply notice and acknowledge what’s happening in the body.
Benefits of Body Scan Meditation:
Body scan is a helpful tool to build awareness, and manage stress and anxiety. It’s also useful for sleep and pain management. For someone struggling with depression, it can be a useful tool to create some mindfulness and relaxation.
7.Walking Meditation
Overview & Benefits of Walking Meditation:
Regular walks are not just good for our physical health, but mental health, too. Walking can help with stress relief, improving sleep and improving mood. But, many of us are often distracted while walking, too. A common distraction may be listening to music or a podcast, or regularly stopping to chat with people.
How to Practice Walking Meditation:
A meditative walk is one where you focus only on your breathing while walking. Once you reach a comfortable pace of walking, try to maintain that for 15-20 minutes and focus on your breath.
8.Compassion-Focused Techniques: Loving-Kindness Meditation
Overview of Loving-Kindness Meditation:
Loving-kindness meditation is a Buddhist practice that focuses on cultivating kindness and compassion toward oneself and others. In other words, it’s a way of practicing “loving-kindness” toward oneself and others. According to the Buddhist philosophy, loving kindness is an antidote to hatred. This may be useful for individuals with depression as a dislike for oneself is a common experience.
How to Practice Loving-Kindness Meditation:
There is usually a script that is followed for loving-kindness meditation. This Youtube video may be a good place for you to explore this meditation. If you can find a Buddhist monk or community to practice with, that might offer you a unique experience!
Benefits of Loving-Kindness Meditation:
Loving-kindness meditation may help in reducing self-criticism, and improve our relationship with ourself and others. It can help cultivate compassion during difficult times.
Safety Note: bear in mind that loving-kindness meditation may feel forced or inauthentic to some individuals. If this is your experience, that’s okay! Not every practice is for everyone, and perhaps there’s a better suited meditation out there for you.
9.Visualization Meditation
Overview of Visualization Meditation:
Visualization meditation is the technique where you picture a positive scenario that helps you feel more grounded.
How to Practice Visualization Meditation:
Practicing visualization with guidance is most helpful, especially for beginners. However, if you’d like to take a crack at it on your own, close your eyes and visualize a peaceful, calming and safe image. This may be a place you’ve visited before, or something from your imagination. It may be a person or an activity.
Benefits of Visualization Meditation:
Guided visualization or imagery can be a grounding and relaxing activity. It’s also helpful with goal-setting or reorienting ourselves toward our goals. When we’re struggling with low mood, creating a mental image of a happy and safe place, or a future goal can give us hope.
10.Sleep Meditation
Overview of Sleep Meditation:
While there are many guided sleep meditations available online, a useful one is yoga nidra. Yoga nidra is a practice which helps you enter a state of deep relaxation, which can eventually help you fall asleep. Depression and sleep disturbances commonly co-occur. For this reason, incorporating yoga nidra into your bedtime routine can be quite useful.
How to Practice Sleep Meditation:
Lie down on your back, and get cosy. You may cover yourself with a blanket and use an eye pillow to cover and relax your eyes. You may play some music (search for ‘sleep music’ or ‘yoga nidra music’) to help you along. Now, close your eyes and slowly begin to relax your body. Relax your jaw and forehead, let your palms face up and relax them too. Let your feet roll out. The idea here is to enter a deep state of relaxation physically.
Benefits of Sleep Meditation:
Yoga nidra is a useful practice to improve one’s sleep. Other benefits of yoga nidra include lowered stress and anxiety, and improved mood and alertness during waking hours.
How to Incorporating Meditation into Daily Life
1.Creating a Meditation Schedule:
When creating a meditation schedule, think about what would work best for you, considering your current routine and resources. For example, if your regular waking time is 8 am, you don’t have to start waking up at 5 just to have a meditation practice. Once you find a suitable time, think about how long you want to meditate. As little as 10 minutes of meditation can be useful, as long as you practice regularly.
2.Combining Meditation with Other Therapies:
Keep in mind that while meditation helps depression, it’s not a cure for depression. While you establish your meditation practice, make sure to also find a mental health professional to work with through the depression.
3.Tracking Progress:
A helpful way of tracking progress is to maintain a mood journal. Try to rate your mood after you practice. You can write down a few words that describe what you’re feeling, and rate them on intensity on a scale of 0 to 10. Over time, your mood journal will help you see any changes that are occurring.
4 Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them
1. Dealing with Distractions: To minimize distractions, find a quiet room. If you live with family or friends, let them know not to disturb you. Turn off your phone and other gadgets. However, be forgiving and patient with yourself. If you do get distracted despite your best efforts, know that you can shift your focus back to the meditation.
2. Managing Expectations: It’s essential to set realistic goals. This would mean being realistic about the frequency and time of practice, as well as your goals. Know that mediation is not a quick fix, and it takes regular practice to start seeing its benefits. Also keep in mind that meditation alone may not be enough.
3. Staying Motivated: If you find your motivation dwindling, remind yourself that there are many ways to meditate. Meditation is simply one-pointed focus. If the way you’re meditating currently is not working for you, maybe you can try a different technique. Or, perhaps you can change your approach and try to practice mindfulness in any activity you already enjoy.
4. Dealing with Physical Discomfort: If any physical discomfort arises during your meditation practice, it is advisable to consult with a meditation teacher or therapist. If the physical discomfort is recurrent, or continuous outside of the meditation practice, too, you may consider seeing a medical doctor to rule out any physical conditions.
Conclusion and Call to Action
Meditation is a helpful practice for one’s overall well-being. Many benefits of meditation like improved sleep, more mental clarity and improved focus can help alleviate the symptoms of depression. However, it is advisable to start a meditation practice with proper guidance. You may reach out to a teacher or subscribe to a channel on YouTube or an app such as Calm or Headspace to get started on your meditation journey.
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