OCPD & Marriage [Lack of Intimacy]: Improve Relationships in 12 Ways Without Leaving

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Snigdha Samantray
Digital Mental Health Specialist | Clinical Psychologist
4 Oct 202412 min read
Picture of man and woman holding earth globe and Improve Relationships Without Leaving Someone with OCPD

OCPD & Marriage: 12 Ways to Improve Relationships Without Leaving Someone with OCPD

From Perfect Party to Perfect Panic: Case of Anushka's Journey with OCPD

Sunday morning and Anushka woke up dreaded the aftermath of the Saturday night party that her partner hosted at home. Greasy plates piled up on the kitchen counter, empty bottles rattling on the floor and a plump merry cockroach meandering on the used food packets, all of which challenged the otherwise organised person that she is. And, as if this was not enough, she freaked out at the sight of her favourite ivory bohemian cushion stubbornly stained yellow with God knows what!

Morning coffee didn’t help and she wanted to shout and yell. Poor chap, her partner, the victim of her rage, was clueless as Anushka too consented to host the party. His persistent effort to pacify Anuska failed. When she refused to accept his help in cleaning and organising the kitchen, thinking only she could do it best, her partner replied with a smirk “You may have a problem, would you like to consider seeing a therapist?” 

“Therapist? Why do I need a therapist? Retaliated Anushka. She further added “There is a specific way in which things are supposed to be done and that includes just not you but also ensuring that your guests do the same. Every home has particular rules and it would be helpful if you sensitize your friends about these rules next time” 

Having said that Anuska continued cleaning, but a nagging voice telling her if she should really consider seeing a therapist kept reeling. She knew this was not the first time she was having an issue with her set rules and order but her sense of perfectionism has been taking a toll on her in every sphere of her life. However, it was hard for her to understand why others find it so difficult to accommodate these rules, despite knowing that these expectations affect the quality of her relationships.

Anushka understood she had Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) when she finally decided to see a therapist and get evaluated. She understood that OCPD is a mental health condition characterized by a chronic preoccupation with rules, orderliness, and control. While this might seem beneficial to her in certain contexts, it actually created significant challenges in her intimate relationships. 

Understand What is OCPD?

To effectively navigate a relationship with an OCPD partner, it’s essential first to understand what OCPD is. OCPD or Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder, is characterized by a chronic preoccupation with rules, orderliness, and control. 

Unlike OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), which involves intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviours that individuals often recognize as irrational, those with OCPD believe their need for order and control is justified. This conviction can make interactions with them particularly challenging, especially in close relationships. 

This leads to rigidity and stubbornness in their daily lives, affecting their relationships, at the expense of efficiency, openness and flexibility. These people are often seen to have significant distress in their socio-occupational functioning, and interpersonal relationships and can be tough for loved ones to deal with.

Do You Know: OCPD Is Not OCD

It is important to also understand the OCPD Vs. OCD paradigm. Note here that OCPD is not the same as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Unlike OCD, Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) involves a belief that their actions and thoughts are correct, making them less likely to see a problem with their behaviour. While OCD involves intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviours (compulsions) aimed at reducing anxiety, OCPD is characterized by a chronic preoccupation with order aimed at perfectionism.

Impacts of Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder On Relationships and Daily Life

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) significantly impacts relationships and daily life, often leading to strained interpersonal connections and impaired functioning. Individuals with OCPD exhibit a preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and control, which can manifest as rigidity and stubbornness. 

This can cause conflicts in relationships and daily functioning as partners, family members, and colleagues may find it challenging to meet the high standards and inflexible routines imposed by the person with OCPD.

How does OCPD impact daily life?

In daily life, the perfectionism and meticulousness associated with OCPD can lead to inefficiency and procrastination, as individuals may spend excessive time on minor details and be unable to complete tasks. This can hinder professional growth and productivity. Additionally, the inability to delegate or accept help can cause overwhelming stress and burnout.

How Does OCPD Affect Relationships?

OCPD affects social relationships by causing individuals to be overly critical and inflexible, leading to difficulty in forming and maintaining friendships. Their insistence on control and adherence to strict routines can alienate others, resulting in social isolation and a lack of meaningful connections.

Working professionals with OCPD often exhibit a rigid adherence to rules and an excessive focus on details, which can hinder teamwork and collaboration with colleagues. Their inflexibility and perfectionism may lead to conflicts, decreased productivity, and strained professional relationships.

In romantic relationships, the excessive need for control and perfection can lead to constant criticism of a partner and a lack of emotional intimacy. Partners may feel undervalued and frustrated, resulting in frequent arguments and potential breakups. 

OCPD and parenting can be a complex dynamic. Parents with OCPD often impose rigid rules and high standards on their children, potentially leading to feelings of inadequacy and anxiety in their children. The lack of flexibility and excessive control can stifle the child's independence and creativity, creating a strained parent-child relationship and affecting the child's emotional development.

1.OCPD and Marriage

Living with a partner who has Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) can be immensely challenging. OCPD is not just about being overly neat or orderly.

It’s a mental health condition that deeply influences a person's thoughts, emotions, and behaviours leading to behaviour and expectations that cause significant stress and strain in intimate relationships and, in some cases leading to divorce or separation. 

The rigid, perfectionistic, and controlling behaviours characteristic of OCPD can create an environment of tension and conflict, making it challenging to maintain a healthy and fulfilling marital relationship. Let’s look at the various aspects of marriage that may suffer in a relationship with a partner having OCPD.

2. OCPD and Divorce

The high standards and inflexible routines imposed by a spouse with OCPD can drive significant wedges in a marriage. These individuals often have a specific way of doing things and expect their partners to conform to these standards, leaving little room for compromise.

Over time, the constant criticism and lack of emotional support can lead to frustration and resentment, ultimately pushing the relationship towards divorce. The inability to appreciate or even acknowledge the partner’s efforts can make the non-OCPD partner feel undervalued and unloved, contributing further to marital breakdown.

3. OCPD and Lack of Intimacy

A significant issue in marriages affected by OCPD is the lack of intimacy, which can lead to a sexless marriage. The preoccupation with order and control can extend into the bedroom, where the spontaneity and emotional connection necessary for a healthy sexual relationship may be absent. 

The OCPD partner’s need for everything to be perfect can create a sterile and unromantic atmosphere, making it difficult for physical intimacy to flourish. Additionally, emotional intimacy is often compromised as the OCPD individual may struggle to express feelings and connect on a deeper level, leading to emotional distance and a lack of physical affection.

Medium shot of upset man looking away due to OCPD and Lack of Intimacy

4. OCPD Anxiety leads to Anger Outbursts 

Anger outbursts are another significant issue in marriages where one partner has OCPD. The intense need for order and perfection can lead to Anxiety and in turn anger when things do not go as planned. 

These outbursts are often directed at the spouse, who may be perceived as not meeting the OCPD partner’s expectations. The unpredictability and intensity of these anger episodes can create a volatile home environment, making the non-OCPD partner feel constantly on edge. This emotional volatility can significantly damage the relationship, leading to further estrangement and conflict

5. OCPD and Workaholism 

OCPD-driven workaholism can severely impact a marriage by causing the individual to prioritize work over their relationship. Another possible reason is that the OCPD partner dreads failure, especially in their relationship. 

Because relationships are challenging for them, their perfectionism may push them to concentrate on work, where they feel more certain of their success. This neglect of marital responsibilities and emotional connection often leads to feelings of isolation and resentment in the non-OCPD partner, further straining the marriage and diminishing overall marital satisfaction.

6. OCPD and Manipulation

Manipulation in OCPD relationships often stems from the need to maintain control. The OCPD spouse may use guilt or shame to influence their partner’s behaviour, enforcing their rigid routines and expectations. 

For example, they might insist on specific ways of doing household chores or managing finances and criticize their partner for any deviation. This controlling behaviour can be emotionally draining for the partner, leading to feelings of helplessness and entrapment. Over time, the manipulative tactics erode trust and mutual respect, essential components of a healthy marriage.

6. OCPD and Narcissism

While OCPD and narcissism are distinct disorders, there can be an overlap in behaviours that affect a marriage. Individuals with OCPD may display some narcissistic traits such as an inflated sense of regard for their methods being the only correct way and a lack of empathy for their partner’s perspective or way of doing things.

This self-righteousness can manifest as a form of manipulation, where the OCPD partner subtly coerces their spouse into adhering to their stringent standards, often under the guise of 'helping' or 'improving' them. This dynamic can lead to a power imbalance in the relationship, with the non-OCPD partner feeling dominated and devalued. While narcissism is often characterized by a need for admiration and a lack of empathy, OCPD is more about a rigid adherence to rules and standards.

5 Questions to Consider Before Deciding to Leave a Partner Having OCPD

It is important to understand OCPD so that you understand your partner's behaviour well. OCPD and intelligence sometimes go hand in hand. People with OCPD often exhibit high intelligence and strong problem-solving skills. Leveraging these strengths can help in finding solutions to relationship problems.

Encourage your partner to use their analytical skills to understand and address the issues in your relationship. Yes, with understanding, communication, and effective strategies, people with OCPD can have a successful chance at fulfilling relationships.

Research on divorce rates and OCPD is limited. However, one study found that while certain personality disorders increase the likelihood of divorce, OCPD was actually associated with a lower divorce rate. 

In one particular study, those with OCPD were less likely to divorce than the average person. Their characteristic persistence might help them maintain a marriage, even if it faces challenges. It's important to note that individuals with OCPD can change; meeting the diagnostic criteria today doesn't mean they will always do so.

Deciding to leave a partner with Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) is a significant and challenging decision. Here are five questions to consider before making a decision:

1.Have You Sought Professional Help for Yourself and Your Partner?

Have you and your partner tried therapy or counselling to manage the symptoms of OCPD and improve your relationship dynamics? Therapy can provide tools and techniques for managing OCPD behaviours and improving communication in your relationship.

2.How Severe Are the Symptoms?

Are the OCPD symptoms causing extreme stress, emotional distress, or a toxic environment that affects your mental and emotional well-being? Address the behaviour directly, seek professional guidance, and protect your mental health. See if there is emotional abuse in the relationship. Emotional abuse is never acceptable and your partner must be willing to make changes for the same.

3.Is There a Willingness to Change?

Is your partner aware of their OCPD symptoms and willing to work on their behaviours and attitudes through professional guidance and self-awareness? Willingness is an important factor when considering a decision such as separation or divorce.

4.Have you given your 100 % in the relationship?

Look for ways to improve your relationship with an OCPD partner, understand the disorder, communicate effectively, set boundaries, seek professional help, and practice patience and empathy. Only after you have given your 100% and see nothing works is when you can consider separation or divorce.

5.Do You Have a Support System?

Consider if you have adequate resources and a support system in place, such as friends, family, or support groups, to help you navigate the emotional and practical aspects of staying in or leaving the relationship.

#12 Ways to Improve Relationship with A OCPD Partner

Living with a partner who has OCPD presents numerous challenges that can strain a relationship to the breaking point. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for both partners and seeking professional help can provide strategies to manage the disorder’s effects, fostering a healthier and more resilient marital relationship.

If you're living with an OCPD partner, you can use strategies to navigate the relationship without resorting to divorce or separation first. Here are 12 ways to improve your marriage while living with someone who has OCPD.

1.Recognize the Relationship Issues

Recognising the relationship issues can help modify perspectives. Living with an OCPD partner often means dealing with relationship issues such as rigidity, constant criticism, and a lack of emotional warmth. These issues stem from their intense need for perfection and control. Recognizing these problems is the first step toward addressing them. 

For instance, you might notice that your partner insists on doing things a certain way and becomes distressed if things don’t go according to their plan. Understanding that these behaviours are manifestations of their disorder can help you approach the situation with more empathy.

2.Educate Yourself About OCPD

Educating yourself about OCPD can provide valuable insights into your partner’s behaviour and help you develop more effective coping strategies. Understanding the disorder can foster empathy and patience, and provide you with the tools to navigate challenging situations more effectively. Many resources, including books, articles, and support groups, can help you gain a deeper understanding of OCPD.

 3.Learn to Communicate Effectively

Effective communication is crucial when dealing with an OCPD partner. Express your feelings clearly and calmly, avoiding confrontational language. The way you express your feelings can either escalate or defuse a situation. Use “I” statements, such as “I feel hurt when...” or “I need support with...,” to convey your feelings without blaming your partner as it can trigger their defensive responses.

4.Set Boundaries

Establishing clear boundaries is vital. Let your partner know what behaviours are unacceptable and what the consequences will be if these boundaries are crossed. This helps to create a healthier dynamic where both partners feel respected. This step is not about punishing your partner but about ensuring mutual respect and understanding.

5.Engage in Self-care

Maintaining your own interests and independence is crucial when living with an OCPD partner. Pursuing your hobbies, interests, and friendships can provide a necessary respite from the challenges at home and help prevent feelings of resentment. By nurturing your individuality, you ensure that you don’t lose your sense of self in the relationship, which is vital for your overall well-being.

Navigating the relationship with a person having OCPD can be challenging hence it's important to create your own support system and understand you can’t do it alone

6.Focus on Positive Reinforcement

Using positive reinforcement can be more effective than constant criticism. Acknowledge and appreciate your partner’s efforts when they show flexibility or understanding. For instance, if your partner makes an effort to compromise or listen to your needs, express your gratitude. Positive reinforcement can encourage more cooperative behaviour and help your partner feel valued and understood.

7.Practice Patience and Empathy

Living with an OCPD partner requires a great deal of patience and empathy. Recognize that their behaviour is not a choice but a symptom of their disorder. When your partner insists on a certain way of doing things or becomes anxious over minor details, try to understand the underlying distress they might be experiencing. Showing empathy can help reduce tension and foster a more supportive and loving relationship.

8.Address Emotional Abuse

OCPD can sometimes lead to emotionally abusive behaviours, such as manipulation, excessive criticism, or controlling actions. It's crucial to address these behaviours directly. Open a dialogue with your partner about how their actions affect you, and seek professional guidance if necessary. Emotional abuse is never acceptable, and addressing it is vital for the health and longevity of your relationship.

9.Avoid Power Struggles

Power struggles can exacerbate conflicts in a relationship with an OCPD partner. Instead of engaging in a battle for control, try to find compromises that satisfy both parties. For example, if your partner is fixated on a particular way of organizing the kitchen, you might agree to let them arrange it as long as it doesn’t interfere with your ability to use it comfortably. This approach can help reduce tension and promote a more harmonious relationship.

 10.Focus on the Positive Aspects

Every relationship has its strengths. Focus on the positive aspects of your partner and your relationship. Reflect on the qualities that drew you to your partner in the first place and the good times you’ve shared together. By balancing the challenges with positive memories and attributes, you can foster a more balanced perspective on your relationship.

11.Consider Couples Counselling or Marital Therapy

You can support your partner by joining couples counselling to improve communication and relationship dynamics. Individual therapy can help you gain insight into your partner's condition and develop healthier coping mechanisms, while couples therapy can facilitate better understanding and collaboration between both partners. 

 12.Getting Help for Your Partner Having OCPD

Getting help for your OCPD partner involves encouraging them to seek professional therapy. Professional help can be incredibly beneficial for couples dealing with OCPD. A therapist or counsellor can provide valuable tools and techniques for managing OCPD behaviours and improving communication. Seeking professional guidance is a proactive step towards building a healthier relationship.

Since OCPD's impact on relationships and daily functioning is profound, it often requires therapeutic intervention to improve quality of life and interpersonal dynamics. At Mave Health, we embark on a journey to deepen our understanding of mental health through a comprehensive approach. 

Our dedication lies in empowering individuals by creating a space where they find meaningful solutions to their existing mental health concerns, offering a transformative experience in mental health care

If you're seeking solutions, Mave Health backed by a team of specialized experts, has been enhancing lives for over the past few years. Utilising evidence-based, holistic, personalised, gold-standard treatment methods, we help individuals manage psychiatric disorders effectively. Reach out to us today to book a consultancy

Remember to focus on the positive aspects of your partner and maintain your own independence to ensure a balanced and fulfilling life together. It's a journey that requires patience, empathy, and dedication, but with the right approach, you can navigate the complexities of OCPD and build a stronger, more resilient marriage.


Personality disorder symptoms are differentially related to divorce frequency.

Interpersonal Functioning in Obsessive–Compulsive Personality Disorder 

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Marital Relationship Harmony – A Qualitative Analysis 

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder: A Review of Symptomatology, Impact on Functioning, and Treatment 

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